Secrets of the Hotel Maisonnueve is now available in elementary and junior high classrooms throughout the province thanks to the Nova Scotia Book Bureau. If you're a teacher, let me know and I'll send you a copy. I can even visit your class to talk about being an author!
We've gone to a second printing, and will probably do a third. So it's wonderful news because it helps Nevermore, a truly fine publisher, to keep doing what they do! I am proud, because I think I wrote a good book. But I didn't make this happen. YOU did. Plenty of wonderful, charming, smart books never find an audience. You made certain that mine did.
It started with Sue Slade at Dartmouth Book Exchange who convinced so many to buy and leave reviews on Goodreads. It continued with my sisters, Lorraine Levangie-Heffler, Linda Levangie, and Gail Levangie, who bought many copies and told everyone. It happened because so many of you purchased copies, wrote reviews, and told friends. I want to include everyone here, but it's a long list, and I'd be sure to miss many. It happened because a few choice bookstores like Woozles and Carrefour Atlantic Emporium and the Puffin Gallery sold it. It happened because so many reviewers were so kind.
Know that I am thrilled and beyond grateful. Thank you all!
